The best ebooks at the best price: free!


in Spotlight

If you have trouble finding books in English, is another place for you to look. ManyBooks has more than 28,000 books in their collection, books they say are “the best ebooks at the best price: free!”

In some ways, is similar to Lit2Go. Both of them are collections of public domain books – books that are no longer protected by copyright – which can be distributed freely to anyone. Even though these are older books, they still provide hours of interesting reading for many people. The collections are similar, but ManyBooks has several features that distinguish it from Lit2Go.

What’s different about ManyBooks?

On its attractive web site, ManyBooks provides several ways to look at the book collection. In addition to the ability to search the entire collection, you to can explore the ManyBooks collection by author, title, genre (type), and language.

Among the authors, look at the works of Jack London (Call of the Wild, ), Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island), Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes), H. Rider Haggard (King Solomon’s Mines), Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility), and Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan).

Books of the week are listed on the home page, and there are also lists of New Titles and Recommended books.

At the bottom of the Recommended page there are links to:

  • New Additions
  • Popular Titles
  • Recent Downloads
  • Special Collections
  • User’s Public Bookshelves – you can create a free account at NewBooks and create a list of the books you have read and what you think of them.
  • A List of eBooks in Series
  • Reader Recommendations
  • Random Books
  • Cover Image Gallery

Each of these provides a different way of looking at or searching for books in the ManyBooks collection. If you want to be notified when ManyBooks adds new books to their collection, you can subscribe to one of their RSS feeds.

When you find a book

When you click on the title of a book you might be interested in, ManyBooks takes you to a book information page. There you will find information about the book and a link that says Show Excerpt. When you click on it, you can read a short excerpt from the book. The excerpts are long enough to give you an idea of what the book is about and how difficult it is.

One of the nice features of ManyBooks is the ability to download books in a wide variety of text formats. Almost every text format I’m aware of is in the list, including formats for smartphones and Kindle. You can also download many of the books as audio books.


The key to success, if you want to read and listen to improve your English, is to read books that are interesting and easy to understand. Take the time and make the effort to find books that are appropriate for you.

If you find a book that looks especially good in the ManyBooks collection, leave a comment so others can go look at it, too!

Warren Ediger

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magdi July 31, 2010

Thanks a lot.

Oscar August 2, 2010

Thanks for sharing this info Mr. Ediger. I will definitely check out that website.

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